Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Teeka Tiwari’s Palm Beach Confidential Review – is it a scam?

Palm Beach ConfidentialPalm Beach Confidential is an investment advisory service that focuses on cryptocurrencies and other small-cap assets. It is run by investment advisory/publishing firm Palm Beach Research Group.

In our review, you’ll learn if Palm Beach Confidential is a legit newsletter with good investment advice or not.

One of cryptocurrency’s original aims was to create a decentralized, peer-to-peer currency to reduce fraud, as well as reduce reliance on central banking systems.

As early as 1998, various people have tried to create cryptocurrencies that unfortunately all flopped.

The world wouldn’t see a successful cryptocurrency until the invention of the blockchain in 2008 and the invention of Bitcoin in 2009 by an anonymous individual who called themselves Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi’s true identity remains a mystery to this day.

Bitcoin had to be “mined” at first, which entails “miners” to use special software to solve complicated math problems. Bitcoin is the reward for solving these problems.

Once the first few Bitcoin were mined, it could be valued and traded.

However, new cryptocurrencies began emerging in 2011, leading to a growing cryptocurrency trading industry.

But cryptocurrency remained a niche financial topic until it was thrust into the spotlight during the cryptocurrency craze of later 2017, when Bitcoin prices rose to just a few hundred short of $20,000 per Bitcoin before plummeting a few months later and then stabilizing.

Thanks to this explosive growth, tons of people want to add cryptocurrency to their portfolio of investments in the hopes that another crypto craze will happen.

However, the world of cryptocurrency investing is complicated given its age relative to other types of investments. A lot of cryptocurrencies flop almost as quickly as they’re introduced, and the ones that don’t flop tend to fluctuate wildly in price.

Many investment advisors saw the potential cryptocurrency had as both a decentralized currency and as an investment asset, so they moved into crypto advising to help people understand the space.

One such service is Palm Beach Research Groups’ advisory service called Palm Beach Confidential, run primarily by former hedge fund manager Teeka Tiwari.

Palm Beach Confidential promises amazing gains on cryptocurrency with minimal risk by following proven investment strategies.

Do they deliver on their promises, or are they just trying to separate you from your money by promising cryptocurrency riches?

Read our full review to see if this investment advisory service is worth a subscription.


1.) What is Palm Beach Research Group? They are an investment research, publishing, and advisory firm based in Palm Beach, Florida.

2.) Does Palm Beach Research Group manage any assets? No. They provide research, analysis, and recommendations, but they do not manage any assets.

3.) What is Palm Beach Confidential? Palm Beach Confidential is the company’s small-cap and cryptocurrency publication and advisory service, although the majority of their analysis and coverage is centered around cryptocurrencies.

4.) Who runs Palm Beach Confidential? Teeka Tiwari is the editor and Greg Wilson is the chief analyst behind the investment recommendations, although Teeka does a lot of analysis as well. Teeka also contributes to several of Palm Beach Group’s other publications.

5.) What background/experience do Teeka and Greg have? Teeka started his career at Lehman Brothers while only 18. After that, he made a lot of money going short during the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s. He then lost his small fortune and spent years rebuilding it by prioritizing risk management. Along the way, he started a hedge fund that he eventually retired from. Today, he is considered one of the premier crypto analysts in the world, and he is known for predicting the rise of Ether. Greg earned his MBA from Pace University, with an emphasis on strategic management and finance. He has extensive experience in the real estate industry, as well as banking experience.

6.) What is a cryptocurrency? A digital, typically decentralized currency that uses encryption to verify transactions and regulate the rate of new currency generation. The most popular example is Bitcoin, but other big names include Ether and Litecoin.

7.) What is cryptocurrency mining? Mining involves the use of special software to solve complicated math problems. Solving problems causes the user to “discover” another Bitcoin, similar to a miner striking gold.

8.) What kind of returns can I expect by investing in cryptocurrency? That depends on a ton of factors, although cryptocurrency as an investment has a reputation of being very volatile. Teeka promises 1,000% returns if you follow his recommendations for the duration of your subscription.

9.) What is blockchain? A decentralized record of transactions across multiple computers linked together in a peer-to-peer network. Many companies are implementing it for enhanced data security, among other benefits.

10.) What does “HODL” mean and why is it associated with Bitcoin? “HODL” means “Hold on for dear life”. It’s a motto many Bitcoin enthusiasts live by; they hold on to their Bitcoin in spite of wildly-fluctuating prices so as to not let their emotions get the best of them. “HODL” is also used to criticize those that invest only for short term gains and sell their Bitcoin whenever negative news hits the public.

11.) What does market capitalization mean? Market capitalization, or market cap for short, is the total market value of a company or other asset’s “outstanding” or publicly-traded shares.

12.) What is a small-cap investment? Small-cap investments typically have a market cap between $300 million and $2 billion. “Small-cap”
is mostly used in discussions about stocks.

13.) What’s the market cap of Palm Beach Confidential’s recommendations? Most companies and cryptos they recommend have a market cap under $1 billion.

14.) Does Palm Beach Confidential cover investments other than cryptocurrencies and small-cap companies? No.

15.) What’s included in Palm Beach Confidential? One full year of Palm Beach Confidential’s monthly issues, Teeka’s recommendations, Teeka’s latest crypto ideas, bi-weekly model portfolio performance updates, various reports, and unlimited access to a resource/training area called Crypto Corner.

16.) What is Teeka’s investing philosophy? Asymmetric investing, as Teeka’s big on risk management. This strategy entails investing small amounts among multiple new stocks and/or cryptocurrencies that have the potential to drastically increase in value, similar to how Bitcoin did in 2017. If one does, you profit immensely. However, you won’t suffer great losses from any one asset if one goes under since your investment was small.

17.) Have Teeka’s past recommendations met his promised 1,000% returns? Yes. Since 2016, he’s recommended 26 different cryptocurrencies. Their combined average return was a little over 1,000%.

18.) Is Palm Beach Confidential always available for purchase? No. They don’t have a “regular” schedule where they open and close off the service, but they do close it to new subscribers on occasion. Their sales page states that the last time they were closed, it was 5 months before they opened again.

19.) How much does Palm Beach Confidential cost? $5,000 per year. You’re charged once a year at the beginning of each 1-year subscription period.

20.) Are there any upsells? No. However, Palm Beach Research Group has newsletters and courses that cover other types of investments like fixed-income investments and real estate.

21.) Do they allow refunds on Palm Beach Confidential? Not exactly. All sales are final, but they do offer you an additional free year of membership if you applied Teeka’s recommendations for 12 months and didn’t achieve at least 1,000% returns.

22.) When can I cancel my subscription to avoid being charged for another year? You can cancel at any time up to 1 day before your renewal date to avoid being charged another $5,000.

23.)  Is there an affiliate program? No.

24.) What is Palm Beach Research’s Group’s BBB rating? B

25.) Is Palm Beach Confidential a scam? No. Teeka puts a lot of research into his recommendations. However, no investment advice is bulletproof. In fact, they promise very hefty returns that are unlikely to occur. Also, you could theoretically learn the information within Palm Beach Confidential for free by browsing the internet, but that would take much longer.

26.) Comparable Products: Crypto Advisory, Crypto Consulting Group’s Investment Club

Palm Beach Confidential Review – Overview

Palm Beach Confidential is an investment advisory service/publication focused primarily on cryptocurrency, but they also cover small-cap stocks.

Teeka Tiwari, the editor, brings years of investment knowledge and experience to the table. He’s assisted by Greg Wilson, an MBA-holding investment analyst with many years of experience in both real estate and banking.

After growing up in foster care, Teeka became the youngest employee to ever be hired by the financial services firm Lehman Brothers when he was 18. When Lehman merged with Shearson/American Express to become Shearson Lehman, he became the youngest ever VP at age 20.

During 1997’s Asian financial crisis, he made a lot of money by taking a short position on Asian companies. He struck it rich, but got too greedy and eventually lost it all by hanging on too long, leading to bankruptcy.

Since then, he spent two years rebuilding the wealth he lost. He also launched a hedge fund during this time.

In 2013, he joined Palm Beach Research Group, eventually becoming the editor of Palm Beach Confidential. Now, he provides in-depth analysis and recommendations of cryptocurrencies and small-cap stocks with growth potential.

His investment philosophy is called “asymmetric investing”. This philosophy tells investors to put small amounts of money into several new, small-cap assets to minimize risk and maximize potential gains.

If just one asset skyrockets in value, you’ll earn a nice profit as an early investor. However, you won’t lose much money if any single asset drops in price or even dies out because your initial investment was relatively small.

Since crypto is such a rapidly changing environment with a reputation for volatility, Teeka aims to help Palm Beach Confidential clients identify investments with the highest potential returns.

According to Palm Beach Confidential, investors can earn up to 1,000% returns by using this strategy and following Teeka’s recommendations.

Even if you’re a respected financial expert, it’s rarely a good idea to guarantee a return since no one can see the future.

In addition, investments can change in value simply based on what someone says.

Remember when Elon Musk tweeted something about Tesla going private? The stock crashed as people sold off Tesla shares, all because he wrote some words on social media.

A similar effect might exist for Palm Beach Confidential. Part of the value increase of Teeka’s recommendations could be attributed to the fact that he’s recommending them, rather than because they’re actually good investments.

But Teeka’s lengthy resume and the time he puts into his research both support his case.

Keep reading our review to learn more about Palm Beach Confidential’s offerings and to see if Teeka’s advice is as good as he claims.


Palm Beach Confidential has multiple sections: the Welcome Center, an “Issues” section, a “Portfolio” section, an “Updates” section, a “Reports” section, and a resource/training area called Crypto Corner.

In addition to those, you’re given some special reports: one contains all of Teeka’s current recommendations so you know what to invest in as soon as your subscribe, while the other covers companies working on blockchain technology that Teeka thinks you should check out.

Before you immerse yourself in all the features, you’ll start in the Welcome Center.

This is the first screen you see when you log in. There’s a quick video of Teeka and another Palm Beach Group analyst named Tom Dyson talking about Palm Beach Confidential.

On the same page, they give you a four-step guide to help jumpstart your investing adventure.

In the first step, you get to access the special reports they promised you.

After that, you’ll read the Palm Beach Confidential user guide, which lays out what kinds of investments will be covered.

Then, they’ll ask you to explore all your memberships benefits.

Lastly, they’ll inform you of when each issue is published, as well as how to access your twice-weekly market updates. It’s important to pay attention to these so you can stay on top of crypto news and be the first to make a move.

The Issues section is the main part of Palm Beach Confidential’s online area.

Here, you’ll be able to read Teeka’s monthly issues on cryptocurrencies as well as a few small-cap stocks. You’ll want to pay the most attention to this section so you can get in on Teeka’s recommendations before other investors drive up the price.

Each issue covers many crypto-related topics such as news and specific cryptocurrency reviews. Almost every issue has an investment recommendation at the end, but the occasional issue won’t have one.

The issues themselves have a personal, conversational tone to them. I think that makes for a more engaging read, especially since investment content isn’t always the easiest or most fun reading material.

Once Teeka sends out a monthly issue, it stays in this area as long as you have a subscription. That way, you’ll never miss the next hot crypto or small-cap investment.

Plus, it could be interesting to look back at issues from months past and see how Teeka’s recommendations hold up.

The Portfolio section gives you a “portfolio” made up of the recommendations.

There are two model portfolios in this section: the small-cap stock portfolio, and the cryptocurrency portfolio. Each one tracks the performance of Teeka’s recommendations.

Cryptocurrencies are further split up into his “buy and hold” crypto recommendations and his short-term trading recommendations.

Information like current price, buy-up-to amount, returns, ticker symbols, recommendation dates, and the date when Teeka bought the asset can all be found here.

The Updates section contains updates from Teeka on everything crypto and small-cap stock.

Twice per week, Teeka updates subscribers on the overall performance of his picks. Not only can you stay caught up on the performance of your investments, but these updates hold him accountable as he’d look like a fool if they all performed poorly.

Other important updates like Teeka’s market analyses can be found in this section as well.

If you want to reread any of the reports your subscription grants you, you can go to the Report section.

You can also find other guides, webinars, and Q&A sections in here.

Aside from the monthly issues themselves, Crypto Corner is one of the largest features in Palm Beach Confidential.

People that are newer to crypto investing will find this section especially useful because there’s a ton of training that covers most of the basics.

The first resource in Crypto Corner is a simple graphic called “Four Simple Steps to Buy and Trade Cryptocurrency”. It covers some basic terminology and other background information, but it also links to the services that Palm Beach Confidential recommends.

Another great resource they provide here is a guide on setting up an account with major crypto exchanges. They’ll teach you how to sign up with big name exchanges like Abra and Poloniex.

Other resources include a quick-start guide, videos on how to buy crypto, information about crypto wallets, other cryptocurrency service recommendations, and even a guide to buying cryptocurrency almost anywhere in the world.

And if you still have questions after walking through all the crypto basics, there’re FAQs and even more Q&A in the Crypto Corner.


Palm Beach Confidential does not have any true upsells. In fact, you could consider it Palm Beach Group’s highest upsell as it’s the most expensive service they offer.

However, they do have other newsletters and courses that each cover different aspects of investing and wealth management. If they’re anything like Palm Beach Confidential, they might be worth a look.


Palm Beach Confidential costs $5,000 per year. That’s equivalent to about $471 a month, which is a significant amount of money for a subscription-based newsletter.

However, Teeka is both an experienced investor and a respected expert in crypto. You’re getting in-depth analysis and commentary on each investment from a guy who was VP of a large investment bank before most college students get their degree.

Palm Beach Research Group has raised the price several times as the popularity of cryptocurrency grew. It was $3,500 until sometime last year, and I have little doubt that the price will increase again as long as cryptocurrency continues to grow in importance.

They don’t seem to clearly state if you get to lock in your price, either, so there’re no guarantees that you won’t pay more next year if you pay $5,000 for it today.

It’s reassuring that he offers you an entire additional free year if your returns don’t reach that 1,000% benchmark, though.

Affiliate Program

Palm Beach Confidential does not have an affiliate program. This might be disappointing to a lot of people given the high price tag of the newsletter.

However, not having an affiliate program makes sense in terms of reputation.

See, a company can’t completely control how their affiliates promote their products. If an affiliate talks trash about the company, falsifies their experiences, or uses shady marketing tactics to make sales, it can reflect badly on the company.

Perhaps they’ll change their minds in the future.


After hearing about all those people who either accidentally or intentionally struck it rich with Bitcoin, everyone wants to be the next crypto millionaire.

But crypto is still a tricky space since it’s still in its infancy. Not only does cryptocurrency require some level of math and computer knowledge to fully understand, but prices are extremely volatile compared to other investments. They seem to go all over the place every time a public figure mentions the word “Bitcoin”.

Not to mention many coins seem to die off almost as quickly as they entered the market.

Plus, just like any other asset, it takes a lot of education, research, and tracking market trends to make money in crypto.

To cut down that learning curve tremendously, it’s best to spend some money or hire some help to guide you through the crypto markets. I think Palm Beach Confidential can do this for you given the success of both Teeka’s recommendations and his general investment strategy.

Some critics will point out that Teeka made some ambitious Bitcoin predictions that failed to materialize. However, I don’t think that’s a strike against him as no expert is infallible.

I mean, he lost all his money early in his career and still managed to recover it using his risk-focused strategy.

Not to mention that he correctly predicted Ether’s massive price increase.

Palm Beach Confidential might be pricy, but the man behind the newsletters has the knowledge and experience to back it up.

Who knows: maybe you’ll become the next crypto millionaire by following Teeka’s guidance.

via https://mlmcompanies.org/palm-beach-confidential/

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