Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Paul Mampilly’s Profits Unlimited review – is it a scam?

Profits Unlimited is an investment newsletter edited by Paul Mampilly of Banyan Hill Publishing.Profits Unlimited

In our review, you’ll learn whether or not Profits Unlimited is worth a monthly subscription.

Throughout history, there have been periods of massive innovation and technological advancement unseen at any time prior.

The Industrial Revolution is one prominent example. Because of industrialization, people were able to move to urban areas and seek employment. Many goods became cheaper, thanks to mass production.

Some people made off well during these world-shaking economic changes. People like John D. Rockefeller started businesses as the Western world was industrializing, leading to untold wealth.

Today, we’re going through a similar revolution with much more advanced technology. When else in history could you access the entirety of human knowledge on a device that fits comfortably in your pocket?

I’m talking about smartphones and the internet, of course.

Paul Mampilly believes strongly in the power of technology, evidenced by some lucrative bets in the stock market. For example, he invested a lot of money into Netflix when no one else saw any potential in it.

Good for him, because he made over 6x on his investment.

He currently shares his thoughts and analyses on these cutting edge tech companies and their potential as investments in his monthly newsletter called Profits Unlimited.

Paul promises that each Profits Unlimited recommendation is on the verge of growth, and if you get in on each of his picks now, your gains could be immense.

Is he serious? Or is he just trying to get you on the “get rich quick” investing hype train?

Keep reading our review to learn all about Profits Unlimited.


1.) What is Profits Unlimited? Profits Unlimited is one of Banyan Hill Publishing’s monthly investment publications. It is written/edited by Paul Mampilly. It mainly covers tech stocks, with an emphasis on the Internet of Things. There are three different subscription levels: Standard, Deluxe, and Premium.

2.) Who is Paul Mampilly? Paul Mampilly is the editor of Profits Unlimited. He started his finance career on Wall Street in 1991 at Banker’s Trust. Throughout his years, he quickly advanced through the ranks at different investment banks. During the financial crisis, he earned 76% returns on a $50 million investment in only two years. Soon after, he retired from Wall Street and found his way into his current role. He’s also the editor of four other investment publications.

3.) Are there any famous tech companies that Paul got in on before they got big? Yes. Paul got in on Netflix before it grew because he knew the future of TV was streaming. But for an even bigger example, he got in on Google’s IPO when it happened and has since made gains of over 2,000%.

4.) What is Banyan Hill Publishing? Banyan Hill is an investment research and publishing firm based in Delray Beach, Florida. It was founded in 1998 as The Sovereign Society. Today, they focus on US-based investments.

5.) What does each subscription level include? Standard gives you the newsletter in digital form, while Deluxe gives you both digital and print versions. The Premium version is the same as Deluxe but also includes 3 bonus reports.

6.) What is the Internet of Things? Internet of Things is a technology that allows physical objects to communicate with each other over the internet. An example of this would be a thermostat that you can adjust completely from your phone. Internet of Things is sometimes called “IOT” for short.

7.) Does Paul invest in non-tech stocks? Yes. He runs a few other newsletters that aren’t focused on tech investments. One of his bigger non-tech successes was Whole Foods, which he got in on before they were everywhere.

8.) Does Paul actually invest in his Profits Unlimited recommendations? Yes. He invests in any stock he recommends.

9.) How much does Profits Unlimited Cost? A Standard subscription is $47, a Deluxe subscription is $129, and a Premium subscription is allegedly $496. However, the Premium subscription $496 price is always crossed out and replaced by $79, most likely to persuade you to buy. Each of those prices is per year, not per month.

10.) Do I go to Banyan Hill’s site or Paul’s site to buy the newsletter? Paul’s site. Banyan Hill’s site has information about Profits Unlimited, but there isn’t a link to the newsletter anywhere.

11.) Where’s the buy button? To access the buy button on his site, you have to watch the full video sales letter that appears after clicking “learn more” on the Profits Unlimited page.

12.) What is the refund policy? If you aren’t 100% satisfied with Paul’s investment advice, he’ll refund you 100% of your money if you let him know anytime during the year-long subscription period.

13.) Are there any upsells? Yes. The Deluxe and Premium subscriptions are both upsells of the Standard subscription.

14.) Does Profits Unlimited have an affiliate program? Yes.

15.) What is Banyan Hill Publishing’s BBB Rating? It’s not rated by the BBB. The BBB has a notice on their website detailing their correspondence with Banyan regarding Banyan’s earnings claims and advertising practices.

16.) Is Profits Unlimited a scam? No, but Paul has his fair share of detractors. He’s been criticized for making more money off his subscribers than he does from his investments. Some others just say that he uses too much hype in his marketing. There have been some issues with payment processing, but I those aren’t very frequent and they typically get resolved quickly.

17.) Comparable Companies/Products: Agora Financial, Stansberry Research, Palm Beach Confidential

Profits Unlimited Review – Overview

Profits Unlimited is one of Banyan Hill Publishing’s many monthly investment newsletters. It mainly covers tech stocks that are poised for huge growth.

Paul Mampilly, a former hedge fund manager, is the current editor of the publication.

Mampilly started on Wall Street back in 1991 as an assistant portfolio manager at Banker’s Trust. Banker’s Trust went through a merger with another bank and was eventually acquired by Deutsche Bank. Mampilly quickly advanced through the ranks at Deutsche Bank and another giant investment bank called ING. He managed multi-million dollar accounts successfully in both positions.

He then took his talents to Kinetics Asset Management, where he managed to raise their hedge fund’s assets from $6 billion to $25 billion.

The Templeton Foundation took notice of his talents and wanted to see what he could do with $50 million.

Despite the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, he turned that $50 million into $88 million in only two years. That’s a 76% average return, and he did it without shorting any stocks or making any unnecessarily risky moves.

Eventually, he got sick of making money for the rich. He wanted to use what he learned on Wall Street to help Main Street Americans build their wealth.

After brief stints at a few investment publications, he ended up as the senior editor for Profits Unlimited and some other newsletters at Banyan Hill.

Paul has a thing for tech stocks. If you read his story on his website, he even points out tech companies he took a chance on when no one else would, like Netflix.

One field he’s particularly fond of is the Internet of Things, a concept where you embed computing devices within everyday objects so you can control them over the internet. An example of this would be a thermostat you can adjust from your smartphone.

He believes that two major trends are reshaping the investing landscape: the growing Internet of Things and the maturing Millenial generation. He researches these trends so he can identify low-risk investments that have the potential for explosive growth as a result of the trends.

Paul’s so confident of the growth potential, he claims the Internet of Things is a “$19 trillion economic force that will catapult the market to new highs” on his checkout page.

Paul isn’t without critics, though. While some are simply upset at the amount of hype he uses to promote his newsletter, his fiercer critics accuse him of making more off his subscribers than his actual investment.

That’s a harsh accusation because that means his stock picks are no better than the next guy’s.

Read the rest of our review to see whether Profits Unlimited will get you in on the next big tech stock, or if it’s just lining Paul Mampilly’s pockets.


Profits Unlimited is a monthly subscription digital newsletter. With your purchase, you get a few reports as part of what he dubbed the “Internet Of Things Action Plan”. These reports cover the company at the forefront of the Internet of Things, 5 of the most innovative tech stocks, which big-name tech stocks to avoid, and 3 months of issues from another financial publication called the Bauman Letter.

You can go back and reread these reports in the “Special Reports” section of the online member’s area.

There are a ton of features in the online area: the welcome page, the monthly issues, the model portfolio, trade alerts, updates, special reports, “getting started” guides, FAQs, and even a “What Readers Are Saying” section.

The welcome page is the first page that greets you when you sign up.

Paul gives you a little more background on his investing successes to reassure you that you’re about to make a lot of money with his picks. In addition, he gives a brief explanation of the other resources.

The monthly issues area is self-explanatory.

All issues, including those released before you purchased your subscription, are stored in this area in case you want to flip back through and see how the stock price has changed over time.

Not sure how useful a 5-year-old issue would be beyond letting you compare Paul’s past picks to their current performance, but hey, it’s there if you’re curious.


Speaking of issues, the most essential component of each issue is the monthly briefing.

Paul typically recommends one stock per month.

Each month, he provides a lot of analysis on a new potential winner that he and his team are researching. It’s not just text, either. He includes statistics, graphs, company information, and more to help you understand why he’s picking that stock.

But you don’t just get a recommendation. You also get some education.

Paul uses each briefing to teach you about reading stock trends so you can learn about the best times to invest.

Occasionally, he’ll give multiple stock picks if he can’t decide on one. Sometimes, there won’t be a stock pick at all if he hasn’t found one that meets his criteria.

Smart move, as it’s better to not recommend a stock than to make a recommendation on shaky grounds.

Overall, they still manage to get you about 12 good stocks a year.

Like many other investment publications, you can see the performance of Paul’s stock picks in his model portfolio.

Every time he makes a new recommendation, you’ll find it here with his other “buy now” stocks. There’s a lot to keep track of in this screen, so I’d recommend taking some time to familiarize yourself before you dive too deep into other areas.

These model portfolio screens lend a lot of legitimacy to investment newsletters like Profits Unlimited because you can see how well every recommendation is doing, all in one place. It helps to hold Paul accountable.

The bulk of your content will be found in these few screens, but there are tons of other resources.

One of these is his weekly updates section.

It’s not enough for Paul to recommend you stock and leave you in the dark about events that might affect that stock, so Paul posts weekly updates about market happenings and updates on all his current positions in the member’s area.

In each update, you can expect coverage of major market trends, news that affects his stock picks, and what readers can expect within the next few months. His updates cover both gains and losses.

You can view these updates in the member’s area, but he also sends them to your email.

Then, of course, there’re the trade alerts.

Not all of Paul’s picks turn out to be winners. Paul notifies you via email when it’s time to either keep your eye on a stock or exit your current position completely. You even get instructions on how to do it, and it only takes a minute.

You can make these trades over the phone, a tablet, or your desktop computer.

To make up for his losers, Paul will sometimes recommend another stock in these trade alerts so you can take your profits and buy up more of another company.

Some people like to just do as their told and profit off Paul’s picks, but if you’re the type who wants to take your learning into your own hands, the “Getting Started” area has some investing books to teach you the basics.

One book is called The Beginner’s Guide to Investing. This short book covers investing basics, an overview of how the stock market works, tactics for finding the best stocks, and other similar information.

The Beginner’s Guide to Investing is more of a general look at investing in the stock market. It’s great for both beginners who want to learn and experienced investors who want to brush up on their knowledge.

Now, if you want to learn the “why” behind Paul’s monthly stock picks, he wrote The Profits Unlimited Trading Manual specifically for Profits Unlimited.

Paul explains how and why he picks certain stocks over others. He also includes trading terminology you should know in order to fully understand financial news and stock market discussions.

If you want to go beyond just following his recommendations and learn how to make money on your own in tech stocks, give this book a read.

The “What People Are Saying” area is basically a bunch of testimonials, but there’s one thing that sets them apart from normal testimonials.

You’re already inside Profits Unlimited, so there’s no real need for Paul to sell you on a subscription with testimonials.

And that’s the point.

The testimonials in this area aren’t cherrypicked quite as much for sales purposes, making them more authentic. If nothing else, it gives you some reassurance that you made a good purchase.


Profits Unlimited’s two upsells are it’s Deluxe and Premium subscriptions.

All the Deluxe package buys you is a print subscription in addition to your digital subscription.

But if you opt for the Premium subscription, you get the newsletter in both formats AND some bonus reports.

One report lists and explains 36 completely legal but little-known ways to save money on your taxes.

Another one claims to teach you how to get Social Security checks “many people don’t even know exist”.

The last report shows you some tools to keep your money and data safe in our increasingly digital world.

No matter which subscription level you choose, you still get access to the other reports Paul includes as part of his “Action Plan”.



Profits Unlimited charges $47 for the Standard subscription, $129 for the deluxe subscription, and normally $496 for the Premium subscription.

However, on the sales page, the $496 Premium price is crossed out and replaced by $79. I’ve poked around some other reviews, and it seems like the Premium subscription never reverts to a price of $496.

They probably just use that “sale price” to hook you in. It kinds of makes the Deluxe package pointless, as the Premium package costs $50 less for everything the Deluxe package offers plus the bonus reports.

Believe it or not, each one of those prices is on a per year basis. Assuming the $79 Premium price is permanent, that means the most expensive option will run you just under $11 per month.

If that’s true, then Profits Unlimited is much cheaper than other investment publications I’ve reviewed like Palm Beach Confidential.

Kind of diminishes criticisms of Paul that say he makes the majority of his money teaching others how to invest instead of actually investing, even if he does have hundreds of thousands of subscribers across his portfolio of newsletters.

But wait. If you read the fine print on the checkout page, you’ll see that every subscription renews at $97 per year.

Still, that’s only $8 per month. If you don’t want to pay that much, you can email him at any point during your subscription to cancel.

Affiliate Program

Profits Unlimited has an affiliate program, although the details are hard to come by. There are some reviewers out there that somehow acquired their own affiliate referral link, but there’s no information on either Paul’s personal site or Banyan Hill’s site.

Those reviewers don’t disclose any information about the affiliate program, either.

If I were to guess, I’d say you have to first be a subscriber. If you are a subscriber, your best bet is to reach out directly to Paul or Banyan Hill Publishing.

They probably make it hard to discover for the same reason Palm Beach Confidential doesn’t have an affiliate program.



Newsletters like Profits Unlimited draw many types of criticisms. Some people just don’t like the marketing hype, while others say the information isn’t as useful as he makes it out to be.

But the most serious criticism you can make of an info product is an accusation of making more money from your info product than from the method you teach in the info product.

To be fair, Paul definitely makes a lot of money from Profits Unlimited and other newsletters. However, making that much money from a very inexpensive newsletter speaks to the quality of the content contained within, as Profits Unlimited alone has tens of thousands of subscribers.

If the newsletter was a rip-off, I don’t think there’d be tons of people following Paul’s every investment move.

Plus, tools like the model portfolio hold him accountable for his recommendations.

And if that weren’t enough to quiet this criticism, he made many millions in the investing world years before he ever thought he’d be the editor of Profits Unlimited, so his newsletter income probably doesn’t make or break his finances.

Sure, he’s had his losing picks.

But every investor knows that you’re going to have some losers.

And his losers are drastically outweighed by his winners in both his investing career and as the editor of Profits Unlimited.

Overall, his newsletter is pretty useful for learning about hot new tech stocks with large growth potential.

If you follow his advice, maybe you’ll invest in the next Google or Netflix.


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